This Redisign is...
Pretty good, BUT:
- Is it just me, or does it lag? And when you Click on "Other Audio/Flash submissions by User" It doesn't respond...
- I was confused when I first came on, It was all over the place. I think the design made my eyes go
weird or something. Anyone else had this Problem?
Bad things Outta the way now. I think I'll comment on some nicer things :D
- The Audio Visualisations are a great idea, when you listen to a song, at least you have something to watch xD
- New Stat Logos. So shiny and new! More Things to Go, "OoooOoo, I wanna be that level" at.
- New Auras. I personally like Dark :P Evil + Fab are a good idea, brings out the personality in you.
- Background. Not that boring dull grey colour. Its all 'Chrome' and 'Shiny' now :P
- Special Flash View. I'm liking this :D It makes it feel like a Cinema!
- Audio Portal. You can choose what songs to listen to, or have the option to turn it off, Sweet!
- And last of all, Siggys. These are a lot better, since they are wider. You can fit more stuff on em now!
Feel free to post Comments and Opinions.
"Peace Out."